Thursday, November 29, 2012

He Listens

He listens to me when I don't deserve it
Wants to make me happy even though he may not be

Friday, October 12, 2012

BHS:  Look at yesterday's assignment (Thurs. 10/11) and now that the debate is over. Do some research on news sites (CNN, msnbc, fox news, etc) and tell me what you think about the debate and the coverage of it. Who did better?  There was a lot of talk about it being very heated, confrontational, and even at times rude. Do you agree?
Also - it is called a DEBATE - isn't it suppose to be a little heated because the two debaters don't agree on the issues. That's why we have debates. Do you think the public opinion and the media have been overly sensitive about the candidates' performances?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

   It's Friday and I'm in my Creative Writing class. We are finishing up a blog response about the Chick-Fil-a  debacle. I have lunch next and I'm glad because I'm so hungry. I don't think I will ever talk to Luke again but we'll see what happens because we have the same lunch. We have a Byrnes game at Woodruff tonight and I can't wait. Tomorrow I leave for EPIC! I can't wait, it'll be so much fun. I went last year and I was glad that I went because I learned a lot of new things and made new friends. I don't want to get up at 7:30 in the morning so I we can get to Georgia by the afternoon but I have to anyway because I want to go to EPIC! My friends Hannah and Stevie are both going and I can't wait because I think we'll all bunk in the same room. I have known both them since I was in the sixth grade but I kinda lost touch with them for a year before we began to talk to each other again last year. I'm glad I will have them with me because that means we can go on this journey together. I love you guys and can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is more important, World Hunger or Same-Sex Marriage?

    Some support homosexuals, some don't support homosexuals, and there are others like me who don't care whether or not people support homosexuals. I don't care either way if homosexuals show affection or not. This is America and we have freedom of speech. I don't understand why everybody has to make a very big deal about homosexual people. They're in America and have a right to believe what they believe. Dan Cathy is the President of Chick-Fil-A, COO, and Truett Cathy's son. He has a brother named Don Cathy and he's the Vice President of Chick-Fil-A.  In the summer, Dan Cathy made a statement on a radio show about same-sex marriage, " I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage; ,I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about."Cathy explained the company  his father created and the one he now runs is possible because of family and the support that families offer."We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that … We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that," Cathy said.  I think we should all leave everybody alone and keep to ourselves and families. If you support homosexuals then good for you and if you don't then it's your decision. Dan Cathy didn't say he hated homosexuals, he said he didn't support homosexuals because of his biblical beliefs.
     If that many people supported our education like they did on Chick-Fil-A day than I would think the public schools wouldn't be so poor. " Most schools in bad condition are in the cities, where 70% students are below the poverty line( People would have better education because the schools would have more money to buy better technologies and could pay for more teachers for the classrooms. I believe education is as important as children getting food in the morning, afternoon, and at night.  Every year, fifteen million children die of hunger. One out of eight children in the world go to bed hungry(library. If people would focus more on education and hunger than we wouldn't have world hunger or teens getting pregnant at young ages. The Center of Disease control says "that one-third of girls get pregnant before they're twenty. The website says "750,000 teens get pregnant annually." I believe we should worry more on education, teen pregnancy, and child hunger rather than on same-sex marriage.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23, 2012

Today was the fourth day of school. I had a really good day until I was coming home. I had to drop a friend off at her mom's school when my engine light in my car came on. I prayed to get home safely and I did but it means that my car is now broken and I can't drive it. Tomorrow at church we're having a movie nite and we're going to watch the last Lord of the Rings. It'[s supposed be like five hours long so I hope the last one is better than other two. I hope I have a good day tomorrow.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30,2012

It's the second to last day of this month. My Mom's birthday is on wednesday and I made her a birthday card. I hope she likes it becasue I didn't know what else to write in it. I got a car at the beginning of the month and I'm almost up with my 40 Hours before I take my driver's test for my restricted. School starts in three weeks and I can't wait but at the same time I'm a little scared. Hopefully I'll be driving by then and don't have to take the bus. I missed all my friends so I'm glad to be going back to brick and mortar school called James F. Byrnes.  Today I get to go on a road trip with my Dad and my two sisters. I hope we don't get into an accident like I almost did yesterday. I was scared but now I think I have learned my lesson. Gotta go for now but I'll be back.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21, 2012

One day until my father's birthday and I still have to make a card but at least my mother got him a gift and can say it was from all of us. Can't believe that June is almost over, just a few more weeks and we're into July. Then, it's August and before I know it school will start. I'm nervous but I'm more nervous of learning to drive. I get butterflies everytime I think about it but if I want to drive then I guess I have to get past the butterflies. Dad said maybe if there is time tonight  then we'll go tonite but I'm still nervous. When do you stop being nervous about driving out on the road with everybody else on the roads?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012

Today is Father's Day. My present for my father was to weed my mother's flower garden. It was pretty hot yesterday when we started and I got two splinters and one cut. Even though I didn't
particularly like weeding, I was glad I made my father happy. After we got done, we went to go see a movie. I would go and see it again, it was pretty funny. I wish all the fathers out there in the world a "Happy Father's Day!"

Monday, June 04, 2012

June 4,2012

It's officially June. My dad's birthday is in 18 days and Father's day is in 13 days. I still don't know what to get my father since they're so close. My best friend, Sheila, is over for the next few days. I can't wait to go to church tomorrow because I get see a guy that I like. Last night, Sheila and I got to see an old friend of ours and it was pretty funny because I made Sheila jealous. I didn't even think that was possible but I got an earful a few minutes after he left anyway. We have to go bowling because my mother said so but if I could say something to her, I don't think it would be pretty. LOL!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

It's officially summer for me and I can't believe I didn't get tan while I was down in Florida. My grandparent's had their 60th anniversary party on Sunday and we had fun. a lot of her friends from sunday school and the neighborhood came and then all her children were there. Two of my cousins came and one of my brothers. We had so much and I can't believe it's over so soon. I wish we had more time to spend together but I'm glad for the time we did get. It's wednesday and I don't know what to do with my time but my friend, Sheila, is supposed to come over later so we'll what happens. I'm going to beat her in "Just Dance 3 song called Promiscious." I'm really good at it and can beat her as either a guy or girl. Lol. I got stuff to do so until next time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

It's May and school is almost over. I have gone to school for 180 days and to think that this day would never come. Haha! Summer is right around the corner and that means my father's birthday is coming up. I don't know what to get him but I'll figure it out. I'm going down to florida tomorrow for my grandparent's (on my mom's side)anniversary. It will their 60th! Wooh Hooo! I've never been good at writing so freely unless I was writing a story but now I think this will be a lot fun! Goodbye for now.